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Annual Peak Data and Results of Flood Frequency Analysis
Based on the equation mentioned before, the flood frequency analysis of each station is able to be done, and the line graph generated by the frequency analyses can estimate the discharge rates of corresponding flood return period. Tables below represent the discharge data collect by the government on each of station respectively, and Recurrence Interval and Flood Probability calculated by utilizing the equation. Line Graph 1,2,3 below indicate the trend line of max discharge values for each corresponding station.
Annual Maximum Instantaneous Discharge Data CHILLIWACK RIVER AT VEDDER CROSSING (08MH001) from 1969 to 2013

Annual Maximum Instantaneous Discharge Data for SLESSE CREEK NEAR VEDDER CROSSING (08MH056) from 1958 to 2014

Annual Maximum Instantaneous Discharge Data for CHILLIWACK RIVER ABOVE SLESSE CREEK (08MH103) from 1963 to 2013

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